Children are encouraged to wear school uniform for practical reasons and to develop a sense of belonging to the school community. Jewellery is not permitted, apart from a single pair of stud earrings which your child must be able to remove without help for P.E.
You can purchase our uniform from Game, Set and Match: Embroidered sweatshirts, Cardigans, book bags, PE T-shirts, PE Shorts, Plimsolls, PE bags, Polo Shirts, Fleece, Reversible Coat, and sun hats are available from Game set and Match. Children will need a bookbag so that they can carry their reading books between home and school. All can be found on the website –
All other items can be purchased from any high street, supermarket or online uniform supplier.
Please ensure all items are named!
Children should wear sensible school shoes. Trainers, boots, high-heeled shoes, platform-soled shoes or strappy sandals are not suitable for wearing all day. However, children may bring in trainers to wear at break times.
Children should not wear jewellery, other than watches or stud earrings at school.
Children with long hair need to tie it back, so please provide them with a hair-band.
Children will wear their PE kit to school and wear it all day when they have PE.
National and County guidelines recommend that all jewellery, including ear-rings, is removed for P.E for safety reasons. Children with stud earrings need to have them taped or removed for sessions. Children who wear earrings will be expected to remove and replace them by themselves. If your child is to have their ears pierced we advise that it is done at the beginning of the Summer holiday period.