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Kingsham Primary School


Applying for a place at our school

If you would like to book a tour to come and see the school please call the School Office on 01243 784046 and we will be happy to book you in and guide you through the admissions process.

The University of Chichester Academy Trust is the admission authority for Kingsham Primary School. All academies within the Trust participate in the co-ordinated admission arrangements operated by the local authority where they are located therefore our admissions procedure is the responsibility of West Sussex County Council. This means that you apply to them and the offer of a place is made in writing by them. Our pupil admission number (the maximum pupils we can take in one year) is 30.

WSCC website link to apply for a school place to start school

WSCC website link to apply for a school place to transfer schools

Applicants living in West Sussex should apply on-line via the WSCC website or through the admissions department for the county in which they live.

Find our most up-to-date Admissions Policy on our school Policies Page or at the bottom of this page.

Reception School Places

For pupils due to start primary school from September 2024 (those born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020), you can apply for a starting school place from 9.00am on Monday 2nd October 2023 until 11.59pm on Monday 15th January 2024.

Parents are encouraged to apply online via the WSCC website. Parents will be notified of their child's school place on Tuesday 16th April 2024. Any applications received after this date will be considered when on time applications have been allocated. 

Once you have been offered a place at our school in the Foundation Stage, you will receive further information about the school via a ‘Parents Information Meeting’.

The Early Years Foundation Stage Team fully involve families in the children’s induction arranging transition visits for the children, meetings with nursery staff and parents/carers, a staggered start for the children, daily ‘drop in’ sessions and weekly opportunities for parents and carers to celebrate their child’s learning with the staff. 


If the year group is oversubscribed, the criteria outlined in our Admissions Policy will be used to decide to which children places will be offered.

Further information can be found by contacting the school office or WSCC Admissions:
Education Office (South)
Pupil Admissions Office
Centenary House,
Durrington Lane,
BN13 2QB

Telephone: 03330 142903

Admissions & Appeal Arrangements

The timetable for Admissions Appeals can be found in the Admissions Appeals Policy in our Policies tab.