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Kingsham Primary School

Our Governors

Meet the Governors

The role of governing bodies in all schools is to have a strong focus on three core strategic functions:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  2. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the academy and its pupils; and
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the academy and making sure its money is well spent.

In addition, as part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust, governors of Kingsham Primary School are expected to work in partnership with the University and the other academies in the Trust to secure excellence for our students.

The University of Chichester Academy Trust has set up a small, strong Local Governing Body (LGB) for Kingsham Primary School which includes staff and parent governors. The LGB meets twice in each school term. A key element of all meetings is to review the progress the school is making towards its Journey to Excellence Plan.

Being a school governor is a rewarding voluntary role which gives an insight into the workings of the school and an understanding of the education system more generally, as well as an opportunity to develop skills in strategic decision-making. All the governors are keen to hear views and opinions about the school from parents and carers. Wherever possible, Governors are in attendance at Parents’ Evenings so please feel free to approach any of us on those occasions or make contact with us at any time via the school office.

You can read more about the role of a Governing Body in the Dfe Governors Handbook. 

All of the governors at Kingsham Primary School are appointed by The University of Chichester Academy Trust. For information about the governors and their roles on the governing body please see below.

Unless explicitly detailed alongside the name of the governor, the governor has declared no business or financial interests that impacts Kingsham Primary School. If you would like to contact a member of the governing body please email or the Co-chairs directly.

The representatives of the governing body are:

Suzanna Troy

Suzanna Troy lives locally and used to teach next door at Chichester High School for Girls.  She enjoys spending time outdoors and she now works for Chichester Harbour Conservancy in their Education Team teaching school children of all ages about the wonderful area we live in.

Term of office ends: 1st September 2027

Lee Dallinger

Headteacher: Email:

Lee is proud to have worked for the University of Chichester Academy Trust for over ten years and excited to lead Kingsham Primary School on the next steps on its journey to excellence. He is passionate about working with children and believes that the high expectations of all stakeholders is key to the long term success of the school. Bringing an awareness of the world outside the classroom to all children at Kingsham is central to the development that he wants to bring to the school.

Term of office: September 2020 - 

Emma Bruce - Co-Chair of Governors

Emma joined the governing body initially as a school staff governor. Emma qualified as a teacher in 2016 and has benefited from teaching in a range of schools in different local authorities. She is passionate about providing the highest quality education, whilst meeting the needs of each individual pupil. Outside of education, Emma enjoys travelling, dog walking in the local area and finding a good coffee shop to read a book in!

Should you wish to contact Emma Bruce, her email address is:

Term of office ends: 28th September 2025

Julie Tanner

Julie originally trained as a primary school teacher, at the University of Chichester and has previously worked in a few primary schools across West Sussex and Hampshire.  She now works at Chichester High School as the Data Manager.  She enjoys spending time with friends and family, particularly on a campsite, around a campfire. Julie is the lead governor for health and safety.

Term of office ends: 1st February 2026

Mark Oliver - Co-Chair of Governors

Mark is one of the parent governors with two children in the school and is responsible for safeguarding, GDPR, data protection and any children who are looked after. Mark has worked in youth work for 25 years and currently works for the local authority as a manager of a mental health and emotional wellbeing service. Mark is a keen runner and you can often spot him going for a run after drop off!

Should you wish to contact Mark Oliver, his email address is:

Term of office ends: 31st October 2028

Sue Palmer

Sue, who lives in Chichester, has had a long career in West Sussex in education and social care with a particular emphasis on additional needs and disabilities. She now enjoys voluntary work with the education team at Chichester Harbour Conservancy, encouraging young people to learn about the environment, and how important it is to look after it. In her spare time, Sue enjoys films, books and learning Italian. 

Term of office ends: 1st September 2027

Jean Inwood

Jean is a retired headteacher who spent her teaching career mainly in South London. Since retiring, she has been a governor of a large primary school in Surrey and an assessor of students for the Institute of Education. She now enjoys many activities: walking and travelling the world making memories.

Term of office ends: 14th June 2026

Michael Crispin - Staff Governor

Michael has worked as a teacher at Kingsham since 2017 having previously taught in schools in Essex and London. He teaches in KS2 and leads computing within school. He has been staff governor since 2022 and is responsible for attendance. In his spare time, he enjoys playing softball with the Chichester Falcons and rock climbing with his brother in Wales.

Term of office ends: 1st September 2026

Information regarding individual governors attendance at meetings can be found in the attachment below.