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Kingsham Primary School

Newsletter from Mr Dallinger

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Welcome to the second half of the Summer Term

June 2022

Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome back to the second half of the Summer Term. We hope you all had a wonderful half term and are looking forward to supporting a number of our events during this second half of the summer term.


We would like to extend a warm welcome to Mr Squires who has joined us as our Site Maintenance Co-ordinator. He comes with a strong amount of experience and a clear passion to take fabulous care of our site.


We would like to say a huge congratulations to Mrs Mallinson and Miss Ryder after they both got married during half term.

You may have seen the happy couple on Sky News. Click here to see their appearance! Mrs Mallinson’s married name is now Mrs Jackson:

Miss Ryder’s married name is now Mrs Twine:

We would also like to share some wonderful baby news as Miss Lamb has welcomed her new baby into the world. Congratulations to the whole family.

Attendance and Lateness

Can we please encourage all parents and carers to ensure children arrive promptly at 8:40 for school. We are finding some children are missing 10 or 15 minutes of learning time per day if they are late to school. This amounts to an hour per week if this is a consistent pattern and has a significant impact on their progress at school.


Reading continues to be a high priority throughout the school. We have now read 80 million words and we are on target to surpass last year’s total of 87 million words by the end of the year! Not only that, there are 26 children who have read over 1 million words and 52 children who have read over half a million words.

Thank you for all of your support in reading to your children, reading with your children and listening to them read. Children are expected to read five times a week for their home-learning.


As you know, we award children a band when they can prove they know their number bonds and their times tables. So far this year, we have 78 children who have achieved all of their bands.

Thank you for all of your support at home with practising number bonds and times tables. Children are expected to practise these using Numbots and TT Rockstars.

Performance Arts Showcase

We are very excited to present our showcase at the University of Chichester on Saturday 2nd July. If you have not already got your tickets for this event, please contact the office.

School uniform and PE Kit reminder

At times, there have been some children who have not been wearing school uniform. Please click here to see our Uniform Policy. We appreciate your support with this.

Could we please remind all parents and carers that children should wear a white T-shirt and their school jumper on PE days. Children should not wear football kits or tracksuit tops on these days.


Some parents and carers have spoken to us about volunteering at the school. We are now in a position where we can be more confident with visitors given the low rates of Covid infections currently. If you would like to volunteer at the school, please speak to Mrs Whall in the office who will give you the appropriate forms to complete.

Stay and learn sessions for EYFS and KS1

Parents and carers of children in Apple, Pear, Ash and Cherry classes will be invited into the classroom for a ‘Stay and Learn’ session on a Tuesday morning between 8.40 and 9.00. We would like to encourage all parents and carers to participate in these sessions.


Date reminders:

Sports Day

Tuesday 21st June so long as the weather is kind! We have a contingency for Wednesday 22nd June planned in.

Parent/Carer Consultation Appointments

  • 3:30pm - 6pm - Thursday 23rd June
  • 3:30pm - 6:30pm - Tuesday 28th June

Transition Day

Transition Day is Wednesday 6th July. This will be an opportunity for all of the year groups to meet their new teacher for a day.

Early Finish on the last Day

We will finish at 1:15 on the last day of term – Thursday 21st July 2022.

First Day of Next Academic Year

The first day back for all children will be Monday 5th September 2022. (Reception children will have separate times for their transition days).

Best wishes




Mr Dallinger