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Kingsham Primary School

Contribute to The Big Ask

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Dame Rachel de Souza, Children’s Commissioner for England has launched ‘The Big Ask’, the largest ever consultation with children in England. The survey is running from Monday 19 April to Wednesday 19 May and will ask children across England to set out their priorities for improving childhood post-Covid. The results of the survey will form the cornerstone of the Children’s Commissioner’s ‘Childhood Commission’ – report due to be published later this year.
The survey asks children and young people:

  • what they think is important for their future success and happiness
  • what if any concerns they have about their future
  • whether they expect to have a better life than their parents, when they grow up
  • what they think is holding children back from achieving what they want to when they grow up 

The survey is completely anonymous and does not ask children to submit any directly identifiable information. We are keen to encourage all of our children to complete the survey to ensure the children and parents/carers of Kingsham voice is included in the survey: